Thursday, November 28, 2019

Controlling Point Sources To Reduce Pollution An Environmental Sciences Essay Example Essay Example

Controlling Point Sources To Reduce Pollution An Environmental Sciences Essay Example Paper Controlling Point Sources To Reduce Pollution An Environmental Sciences Essay Introduction Point beginnings pollution is the fouling substance is emitted straight into the waterway. Point beginning pollution is taint that enters the environment through any discernable, confined, and distinct conveyance, such as a smokestack, pipe, ditch, tunnel, or conduit. Point beginning pollution remains a major cause of pollution to both air and H2O. Point beginnings are differentiated from non-point beginnings, which are those that spread out over a big country and have no specific mercantile establishment or discharge point.A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES ) a license system to command outflowing releases from direct industrial discharges and POTWs ( Publicly Owned Treatment Works ) . The licenses province exactly what the outflowing restrictions are every bit good as the monitoring and coverage demands. Technology-based Effluent Restriction The purpose of technology-based wastewater bounds in NPDES licenses is to necessitate a minimal degree of intervention of pollutants for point beginning discharges based on available intervention engineerings, while leting the discharger to utilize any available control technique to run into the bounds. For industrial ( and other non-municipal ) installations, technology-based wastewater bounds are derived by: Controlling Point Sources To Reduce Pollution An Environmental Sciences Essay Body Paragraphs Using national outflowing restriction guidelines and criterions established by EPA Using best professional opinion ( BPJ ) on a individual footing in the absence For municipal installations ( publically owned intervention works or POTWs ) , technology-based wastewater bounds are derived from national secondary Standards to command discharges from point beginnings based chiefly on technological capableness. License authors must see the possible impact of every proposed surface H2O discharge on the quality of the receiving H2O. A license author may happen that technology-based wastewater bounds are non sufficient to guarantee that H2O quality criterions, designed to protect the H2O quality, will be attained in the receiving H2O. Water Quality Based Effluent Limitation ( WQBEL ) means an outflowing restriction, which may be more rigorous than a engineering based outflowing restriction, that has been determined necessary by the Department to guarantee that H2O quality criterions in a rec eiving organic structure of H2O will non be violated. Analysis of the Effluent Limitation Imprecise Statutory definition Meeting the Zero Discharge Goal Lack of an Efficiency Standard Cost-Ineffective Decision Making THE POTWs support plan We will write a custom essay sample on Controlling Point Sources To Reduce Pollution An Environmental Sciences Essay Example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Controlling Point Sources To Reduce Pollution An Environmental Sciences Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Controlling Point Sources To Reduce Pollution An Environmental Sciences Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Federal grant plan: provided major support from the federal authorities for a portion of the building costs of POTWs. Clean Water State Revolving Fund ( CWSRF ) Plan: Establishes province loaning plans to back up POTW building and other undertakings. The replaced the federal grant plan is to supply loans for POTW building every bit good as for other environmental undertakings. CWSRF plans provided more than $ 5 billion yearly in recent old ages to fund H2O quality protection undertakings for effluent intervention, nonpoint beginning pollution control, and watershed and estuary direction. CWSPFs have funded over $ 74 billion, supplying over 24,688 low-interest loans to day of the month. Offers low involvement funding understandings for H2O quality undertakings. Annually, the plan disburses between $ 200 and $ 300 million to eligible undertakings. Nonpoint beginnings Pollution Nonpoint beginning pollution is besides known as â€Å" overflow pollution † . It occurs when rainfall or snowmelt tallies over land or through the land, picks up pollutants, and deposits them into rivers, lakes, wetlands, and coastal Waterss or present them into groundwater. Some of the primary activities that generate nonpoint beginning pollution include agriculture and graze activities, lumber harvest home, new development, building, and recreational yachting. Manure, pesticides, fertilisers, soil, oil, and gas produced by these activities are illustrations of nonpoint beginning pollutants. Even single families contribute to nonpoint beginning pollution through improper chemical and pesticide usage, landscape gardening, and other family patterns. Runoff pollution mean H2O from rain ( besides called storm H2O, urban overflow, and storm drain pollution ) , irrigation, garden hosieries or other activities that picks up pollutants ( coffin nail butts, rubbish, automotive fluids , used oil, pigment, fertilisers and pesticides, lawn and garden cuttings and favored waste ) from streets, parking tonss, private roads and paces and carries them through the storm drain system and heterosexual to the ocean. Nonpoint beginnings pollutants include: Fertilizers, weedkillers, and insect powders from agricultural lands and residential countries ; Oil, lubricating oil, and toxic chemicals from urban overflow ; Sediment from improperly managed building sites, harvest and forest lands, and gnawing stream Bankss ; Bacterias and foods from farm animal, pet wastes, and defective infected systems Nonpoint Source Pollutants and Their Effectss Nonpoint beginning pollution is the taking cause of H2O quality jobs. The effects of nonpoint beginning pollutants on specific Waterss vary. Nonpoint beginning pollutants have harmful effects on imbibing H2O supplies, diversion, piscaries, and wildlife. The illustrations of nonpoint beginning pollutants include: Foods which are compounds that stimulate works growing. The two most common foods making our Waterss are nitrogen and phosphoric. Nitrogen taint of imbibing H2O can do wellness jobs. Excess foods running off the land and making surface Waterss can do monolithic algae blooms, the decay of which can make olfactory properties and utilize up most of the dissolved O, which can ensue in fish putting to deaths. Foods in contaminated overflow can come from a assortment of beginnings such as agricultural fertilisers, infected systems, place lawn attention merchandises, and yard and carnal waste. Sediment which is the silt, sand, soil, and crushed rock eroded by overflow normally ends up in watercourses and lakes. Deposit can change watercourse flow and diminish the handiness of healthy aquatic home ground. Ill protected building sites, agricultural Fieldss, and roadways can be major beginnings of deposit. Pathogens which are beings as bacteriums, viruses, and protozoon, coming from untreated sewerage, storm drains, infected armored combat vehicles, and overflow from farms. Pathogens cause unwellnesss such as enteric fever and dysentery. Watershed A watershed is the country of land where all of the H2O that is under it or drains off of it goes into the same topographic point. It is a basin-like landform defined by highpoints and ridgelines that descend into lower lifts and watercourse vales. A watershed carries H2O â€Å" shed † from the land after rain falls and snow thaws. Drop by bead, H2O is channeled into dirts, groundwaters, brook, and watercourses, doing its manner to larger rivers and finally the sea. Water is a cosmopolitan dissolver, affected by all that it comes in contact with: the land it traverses, and the dirts through which it travels. The of import thing about water partings is: what we do on the land affects H2O quality for all communities populating downstream. Watershed attack is the most effectual model to turn to today ‘s H2O resource challenges. Four chief characteristics are typical of the Watershed Approach: 1 ) Identifying and prioritizing H2O quality jobs in the water parting, 2 ) Develo ping increased public engagement, 3 ) Organizing activities with other bureaus, and 4 ) Measuring success through increased and more efficient monitoring and other informations assemblage. An extra feature of the Watershed Approach is that it complements and coordinates other environmental activities. This allows for close cooperation with local citizen groups, local authoritiess, other province bureaus, and federal bureaus. When all permitted dischargers are considered together, bureaus are better able to concentrate on those controls necessary to bring forth mensurable betterments in H2O quality. This besides consequences in a more efficient procedure: It encourages bureaus to concentrate staff and fiscal resources on prioritized geographic locations and makes it easier to organize between bureaus and persons with an involvement in work outing H2O quality jobs. The Targeted Watershed Grant Program The targeted watershed grant plan is a competitory grant plan to promote the protect ion and Restoration of the state ‘s H2O resources. The plan supports environmental stewardship and action by supplying needed support to watershed organisations for on-the-ground Restoration and protection attempts designed to accomplish quick, mensurable, environmental consequences. The end is to construct on the successes of bing partnerships and alliances that have evaluated and assessed their water partings, devised a technically sound watershed program, and are ready to ship on stairss to implement their program. Watershed-based NPDES Permitting is an attack to developing NPDES licenses for multiple point beginnings located within a defined geographic country. Through this attack, NPDES allowing governments consider watershed ends and the impact of multiple pollutant beginnings and stressors, including nonpoint beginning parts. This attack can embrace a broad assortment of activities, from synchronising license issue within a watershed to developing water-quality based ou tflowing bounds for a group of point beginnings, aimed at accomplishing new efficiencies and environmental consequences. Water Quality Trading is an advanced manner for H2O quality bureaus and community stakeholders to develop cost-efficient solutions to turn to H2O quality jobs in their watersheds.A

Sunday, November 24, 2019

everything Essay Example

everything Essay Example everything Essay everything Essay Burn the other, they must plant found Regions other interval, the machine should do. Son! remember this word The father, the mother, the teacher must not forget Here near you near him There should iron grinding on metal -Eat remember who planted trees Name expectation remember him when old. .Com shirt parent letters teachers To work that day completed on -O continent humbled not bear words the teacher -From the monk, the sell themselves monk. -Thin a plaited father, thin three plaited teacher 1. HQC th? ¤y kh? ¶ng t? ¤y hoc ben: We learn not at school but in life. 2. Kh? ¶ng th? ¤y d? ¶ may l? ¤m n? ©n: Nothing can succeed without the help of the teacher. 3. ?†¦n qu nhd k? © tr? ¶ng cay: When eating bamboo sprouts ,remember the man who planted them 4. U?–ng nurdc nhd ngu? ¶n: When drinking water, remember its source 10. C? ¶ chi thi nen. Where there is a will, there is a way. 11. M? ©o m? ¶ c? ¶ hon kh? ¶ng. Half a loaf is better than no bread. 12. B? ¤ nh? ¤n b? ¤ tinh. So many heads, so many minds. 13. Bt c? ¤ hai tay. To run with the hare and hold with the hound. 14. Th con s? ¤n st, bt con c? ¤ r? ¶. To throw out a sprat to catch a mackere. 15. CLrdi ngcrdi h? ¶m trurdc, h? ¶m sau ngurdi curd. He laughs best who laughs last. 16. Udc ao l? ¤m sao, ca chi? ©m bao l? ¤ v? ¶y. The wish is father to the thought. 17. Cha n? ¤o con n? ¤y. Like father, like son. 18. NLrdc duc th c? ¤u. They fish in troubled waters. 19. Hoa v? ¶don chi. It never rains but it pours. 20. Giot m? ¤u d? ¤o hon ao nurdc l? ¤. Blood is thicker than water. 21 . Ch? ©t vinh c? ¶n hon s? ¶ng nhvc Better a glorious death than a shameful life 22. L? ¤y thng p voi To put a quart into a pint pot 23. Treo cao ng? ¤ dau Pride will have a fall 24. Thtra s? ¶ng thi? ©u ch? ©t More death than alive 25. NLrdc dd d? ¤u vit (Like) Water off a ducks back 26. Dd th? ©m d? ¤u v? ¤o Idra Pour oil on the flames 27. N? ¶i c? ¶ sach mach c? ¶ ch(rng To speak by the book 28. Tai anh tai , tai c d? ¶i b? ©n It takes two to do something 29. Thao thao b? ¤t tuyet A flood of words 30. Xa met c? ¤ch l? ¶ng Out of sight, out of mind 31 . As easy as ABC D? © nhLrtrd b? ¤n 32. As hot as fire N? ¶ng nhLr Idra 33. As hot as pepper Cay nhLr dt 34. As black as coal Den nhLr murc 35. As white as snow Trng nhLr tuy? ©t 36. As cold as ice Lanh nhLrti? ©n 37. As dark as midningt T? ¶i nhLr d? ©m ba muroi 38. As heavy as lead led/ N? ¶ng nhLrd? ¤ deo 39. As quick as lighting Nhanh nhLr ch? ¶p 40. As bright as day S? ¤ng nhLr gurong 41. As sour as vinegar Chua nhLr gi? ¤m 42. As hard as rock C(rng nhLr d? ¤ 43. As slow as a turtle Ch? ¤m nhLr ra 44. As merry as a cricket nhLrt? ©t vut 45. As stupid as a bull Ngu nhLr b? ¶ 46. As fat as pig Map nhLr heo 47. As rich as a Jew Gi? ¤u nhLr Thech Sng 48. As naughty as a bear H? ¶n nhLr g? ¤u 49. As lazy as a lizand LLrdi nhLr hiji 50. As soundly as a log (Ng) say nhLr ch? ©t 56. Study, study more, study forever. Hoc, hoc nCra, hoc m? ¤i. 57. A wool seller knows a wool buyer. Suy bvngta ra bung ngurdi. 58. ?†¦n nhLr m kho? ©t. Eat like a horse. 59. Sell like hot cakes. Dt nhLrt? ¶m turoi. 60. You cannot eat your cake and have it. Duroc c? ¤i no m? ¤t c? ¤i kia. 61. To pick and choose. K? ©n c? ¤ chon canh.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Financial Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

Financial Management - Assignment Example Aluminum Bahrain is headquartered in Manama, Bahrain.. As the Current shareholders of the manufacturing company of aluminum it unto the company of aluminum Bahrain makes sure that it builds and designs things and releases them to the public . A product lacked life or value until the users had accepted it who are interested in knowing all the information necessssary to make a critical decision to whether buy ,sell or hold investments in the Aluminum Bahrain B.S.C(Alba).Our focus will be on the following in line with the needs of the users. By 2000 the business had transformed with the purchase of new assets and businesses. The purpose of the acquisition of the new businesses was to establish North africa alluminium companiesfor the Bahrain parent company, rolling labs Industries. At that same time, the rationalized business would bring forth cash flow, infrastructure and economies of scale for the expansion of the business into the rapidly growing markets of Asia, America, . However, in 2014, this company faced a worse situation than it was in earlier . Dollar fluctuations and increase in costs led to lose of a large client base. There was also an increase in costs of production due to the rise in labor costs in Bahrain. Aluminum Bahrain lacks proper and educated and trained workforce .There exists a small number of trained work force. In away these cripples the manufacturing company. Its operations are slowed at the expense of huge production leading to a proper profit Since there are various sub products that the Bahrain company produces there is less promotion of the product as it is limited to the country, The process of innovation is slow while the demand for properly innovative materials is high In order to determine the firm type of the aluminium company its supply and demand are key factors in addition its produced in metric tons. When establishing its demand by market the following factors are considered: The

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflection on the Cultural Geography of Thailand Essay

Reflection on the Cultural Geography of Thailand - Essay Example With the intention of understanding the geography and the culture of Thailand, I have done research searches through literature books and sources with the inclusion of the internet. From the reading sources, some of the aspects that emerge as the prominent definers of the geography and culture of the country are religion, architectural design, language and the social life of the people of the country. The rich social art of Thailand amalgamates art and healing that draws from the traditional aspect making the country a hub for culture and civilization. With the intention of learning about the people of Thailand, the learning outcome for the semester has provided me with adequate information to know that Thailand is a country that is composed of 67,741,401 people according to the national population estimate 2013. The natural population increase rate of the country is 35.4% with the birth rate being 11.26births /1000. The life expectancy rate of the country is 74.18 years and the infant mortality rate being 9.86/1000. In relation to the culture and way of life of the people of Thailand, the semester study has impacted me with information to realize that the country is composed of four major language groups. The language groups are the Aheu, Akeu, Akha, Ban Khor Sign, and Bisu. The country's national language is Thai, but there are other minor languages spoken in the country. The country has approximately 48 religions with Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism being the dominant religions. The country thus shares a lot of cultural and religious similarity to other Asian countries like China. The traditional form of architecture has changed paving way for the building of more modern and elegant housing and religious sanctuaries in the country thus representing an immense socio-cultural change in the country.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Banking Industry in Recession Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Banking Industry in Recession - Coursework Example Since that time, concerned officials have been attempting to come up with solutions to the difficulties that the banking industry as well as the global financial system is facing. The banking industry has also been going through a process of reformation lasting over two decades. Market liberalisation, as well as the induction of latest information technologies led to a strong trade growth resulting in several mergers and acquisitions in addition to off shoring potential. Seeing the trends of previous years, reformation in financial institutions is persistent. Reducing the consequences of this recession has been easier for nations and workplaces with well-built channel of communication (Downey, p. 94, 2011). The recession started several mutual projects of social associates. During the year 2009, 93 percent of the companies within the banking industry initiated joint bargaining against an average of 84 percent within other industries. Another consideration within the banking industry is that a works council covers 97 percent of companies that have more than 50 workers. Markets will have to go through a period of reformation to consider the facts of the impact of recession. Bank liquidity is currently known as being a lot more significant within the banking concept than in the previous years, when banks gave unsatisfactory attention to the need to expand financing sources. Market participants should become responsive to the changing wave within the banking industry as well as adjust their policy and approach consequently. A need for stronger guideline is predictable as an increase in guideline is the rational outcome of a recession. Now, there is only the aim to inflict more guidelines on the banking industry although its precise form is not as confirmed yet. The most competent approach would be for the United States as well as for the European Union to synchronize their course of action; or else, â€Å"banks will concentrate operations in the jurisdiction with the least restrictive regime† (McLean, p. 36, 2010). In the initial instance, the market requires to stay away from the development of another ‘Shadow Banking system’. Moving ahead, one can look ahead to that any organization that takes influential positions within financial instruments will be positioned under the control of the state supervisory body. Any business or legal entity that operates like a bank or operates like a channel for a bank will be put through the regulatory system. Barclays resisted the financial recession by declaring solid returns; regardless of the banking industry recession, Barclays made pre-tax returns of ? 1.6 billion during the last quarter in the year 2009. This takes its earnings of the same year to ? 4,646 - 18 percent less than a year ago - because of ? 5.9 billion of bad debts (McLean, p. 36, 2010). However, while Barclay's United Kingdom retail section witnessed returns tumble, its investment as well as commercial banking divisi on goes on to do well. Moreover, with the profits from the sale of its International Shareholders division still to come, Britain's second largest bank seems to heading in the right direction for a record-breaking year.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Examining Hacking And Cyber Ethics Philosophy Essay

Examining Hacking And Cyber Ethics Philosophy Essay With technology taking the forefront in communication, world has virtually shrunk! Distance and time are no more any hindrances for effective interactions and communications. Internet has so much invaded our day to day lives that without internet, we feel we are almost without bread! As any advances bring in good , not so good and bad with it-take auto mobiles, electricity, movies whatever-even the communication technology has its own goods and bads. Hacking is something that has shocked the world that is so much dependent on the cyber for its day to day affairs, may it be individual corporate or education fields. Hacking and Hacker Hacking is an action of trying to gain access to a computer or computer network without any legal authorization [1]. The entity who tries the act of hacking is the hacker. The new hacker dictionary defines hacker as below: A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary. One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming. A person capable of appreciating hack value. A person who is good at programming quickly. An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it. An expert or enthusiast of any kind. One might be an astronomy hacker, for example. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations. [deprecated] A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around. Hence password hacker, network hacker. The correct term for this sense is cracker. Hacker is someone who has an intention to damage a system and hence invades it illegally [2]. He or she might invade into the system to get illegitimate access to resources. As hacking becomes easier, a vulnerable computer will be the earlier target. Hacker invariably tries to hide his or her identity for launching attacks on the main site, which is generally more secure. The attack is made with an intention of gaining control of the targeted system so that the hacker can execute, edit or delete any file on the users directory. This is achieved generally by gaining access to the super-user account. This helps the hacker hide his presence and provides him maximum authority to access the data. Software bugs are generally used in the attacks which give the hacker super-user status. Ethics and Cyber Ethics That branch of art which looks with wonder at the marvels and mysteries of the world is philosophy. It leads to life with passion, moral and intellectual integrity. Socrates had once stated the unexamined life is not worth living. In philosophy. Everything related to life is critically and comprehensively inquired in to. The branch of philosophy that deals with how we ought to live, with the ideas as to what is right and wrong, and with idea of Good is ethics [3]. The field of ethics that examines legal, moral and social issues in the use and development of cyber technology is cyber ethics [4]. A broad spectrum of technologies that range from standalone computers to a cluster of network computing, information and communication technologies is referred to as cyber technology. Computer ethics has been the general usage term for cyber ethics until recently. Computer ethics however suggests the study of ethical issues associated primarily with computing profession or computing machines. Cyber ethics however attempts to address ethical issues that are more wider and deeper. Other terminologies like internet ethics or information ethics are in use but cyber ethics has wider coverage than internet ethics. 1.3 Legal and Illegal Hacking The informal trespassing into a computer is termed as hacking by many people. Hacking in general has formed a meaning of breaking into computers [5]. The term hacking clouds ethical and legal complexities of law that administrates use of computers. Some hacking is legal and valuable while some are illegal and destructive. Learning the way to get access is legal while using this information to access the system and misuse it is illegal hacking. It is very important to understand the difference between legal and illegal hacking. This could be understood considering an example. For example, the security researcher of the system will learn a number of ways to get into the system without authorization. While learning this information is not illegal, using the information to access a system unauthorisedly is illegal. An action can be considered legal or illegal based on the scenario and the access and authorisation for the particular scenario. 1.4 Ethical Theories Ethical issues are based on morals which are subjective. The ethical theories offer direction for the moral analysis to be made. These are the scientific theories that provide the framework for the analysis of moral issues. We may look into ethical theories relevant to the case in hand. 1.4.1 Consequence Based ethical theories (consequentialism) Consequence based theories judge actions based on results. Proponents of these theories assume that certain state of affairs are better than many others. Actions that lead to better state for maximum number of people are better actions. In simple words, an action that makes the world better is a good action and that worsens the world is bad. Hence here, result is most important. Three subdivisions of consequentialism emerge based on who is benefited by the action: Ethical Egoism: an action is morally right if the consequences of that action are more favorable than unfavorable only to the agent performing the action. Ethical Altruism: an action is morally right if the consequences of that action are more favorable than unfavorable to everyone except the agent. Utilitarianism: an action is morally right if the consequences of that action are more favorable than unfavorable to everyone.(QuoteIEP) Types of Utilitarianism Two types of Utilitarianism are there namely Act Utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism. Under Act Utilitarianism, an action is considered good or bad based on its consequences while under Rule Utilitarianism, a code or rule of conduct is more acceptable if the consequences of it are beneficial than not beneficial to every one. For ex. If one steals, it may be beneficial to him but not to all. So the rule is not to steal. Intended Consequentialism Intended consequentialism is a consequence based ethical theory. Here, intended consequence is given importance over actual consequence in judging an action. 1.4.2 Duty Based ethical theories Duty based ethics is otherwise called deontological theory. Deon is a Greek word meaning necessary, binding, obligatory. Immanuel Kant is the main proponent of this theory. It gives importance to sticking to ones duty and principle rather than the consequences. When most stick to Deontological principles, naturally, consequences will be good. The focus is on duty and principle and not on consequences. An other famous philosopher W.D. Ross who supported Kants theory, summarized basic duties as below: Duty of beneficence: A duty to help other people (increase pleasure, improve character) Duty of non-maleficence: A duty to avoid harming other people. Duty of justice: A duty to ensure people get what they deserve. Duty of self-improvement: A duty to improve ourselves. Duty of reparation: A duty to recompense someone if you have acted wrongly towards them. Duty of gratitude: A duty to benefit people who have benefited us. Duty of promise-keeping: A duty to act according to explicit and implicit promises, including the implicit promise to tell the truth.(M2) Character based Ethical Theories Character based virtue ethics is also called Virtue ethics. These theories are mostly based on Aristolephilosophy. Here, individuals character takes prime place over duty or consequence, in contrast Deontology and Consequentialism respectively. Here, the tenet is once the person has strong value system which has stabilized, he would be conscious of what is wrong and what is right, what are his duties to his children, family, society and his master, so, action taken by such persons tend to have good consequences only. An ethical individual is therefore necessarily disposed to do good things acceptable to himself and for society. 1.5 Role of software/Hardware/Application Engineers Hacking has become a threat to modern world which is over dependent on information technology. It is easier done than said that, as you keep your valuable protected in house against thieves and robbers by locking the almirah or the house or safe keeping in banks or covering by insurance. As we use lot of IT services through public domains and distant server based technologies, the risks are even more. Professionals in the field can do their bit based on their knowledge and experience to reduce damages by hacking. Objectives The objectives of this case study are: Highlight the main critical issues that this case brings out light and to critically apply consequence-based, Duty-based and character-based ethical theories to discuss whether the FBI were correct in attempting to capture and prosecute Mitnick. Briefly discuss the general of asoftware/hardware/application engineer in terms of the use dof their knowledge and expertise in regard to hacking. Facts of the case While dealing with the case in hand from the point of the objectives of the case study, we have to critically observe the facts from the following angles. Actions of Mitnick that are subject of ethical and moral nature

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Shakespeares Tempest Essay -- Drama Analysis

William Shakespeare is widely regarded as one of the most influential writer's of the 16th century. His command on modern English is uncanny and texts that he authored are considered some of the most exceptional pieces of literature. Throughout all of his plays are intricate plot and character development that end with philosophical life lessons that can apply to anyone. In William Shakespeare's the Tempest, Prospero projects the oppressive demeanour that initially made him a prisoner onto Caliban and Ariel which ultimately leads to his shift from ignorance to knowledge. Initially Prospero was duped, betrayed and inevitably usurped by his brother Antonio. It is in this pivotal section of the plot that provides an explanation as to why and how Prospero displays such acrimonious behaviour. As Prospero relays the story of how they arrived on the island he explains that he trusted his brother to run his kingdom while he was â€Å"...all dedicated/To Closeness and the bettering of my mind (1.2.89-90). He became so wrapped up in his studies of the liberal arts that eventually Antonio won over his people and â€Å"...he needs will be/Absolute Milan (1.2.108-109). Prospero was ultimately usurped and â€Å" midnight/Fated to th' purpose did Antonio open/The gates of Milan, and i' th' dead of darkness/The ministers for th' purpose hurried thence/Me and thy crying self (1.2.128-132). They disposed of Prospero and his daughter, â€Å"...There they hoist us/To cry to th' sea that roared to us...(1.2.148-149). Eventually â€Å"By providence divine. (1. 2.159)† they made it to the island that Prospero would inevitably establish his vicious sovereignty over. He lost his Dukedom due his perfidious brother. However it is evident that Prospero grew ignorant to the ne... ... art to enchant;/And my ending is despair...†(5.2.1-14). This is a decisive end to Prospero's controlling demeanour and a very clear shift from ignorance to knowledge is distinguishable. There is a unimpeded progression of maturity that Prospero is subjected to. Instead of taking vengeance on those who wronged him he ultimately decides to function with his â€Å"...nobler reason...† (5.1.26). He understands that the way he has composed himself and treated others is no better than the lack of benevolence he has been subjected to. In William Shakespeare's the Tempest, Prospero projects the oppressive demeanour that initially made him a prisoner onto Caliban and Ariel which ultimately leads to his shift from ignorance to knowledge. The relationship between servant and master is beautifully articulated and exemplifies enticing altruistic values that one should strive for.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Challenges in Conducting a Good Research Essay

The theoretical foundations are the heart for conducting research in a given area. It is the framework on which the whole research project is based. It is a rationally described, elaborated and developed network of relationships among the variables considered important to the problem situation and identified through such process as literature survey, interview and observations. An effective theoretical foundation identifies and define the relevant variables in a situation that are necessary to the problem defined. Similarly, the building blocks of conducting a good research are the existing facts, theories and hypothesis concerning the topic of study. They serve as a guide to the representation of existing information about the problem, thus supporting and motivating the research in regard to the topic. A good example of the building blocks of a research is the literature review, which provides information about what has been put out about the problem (Taber, 2012). Challenges To Conducting A Good Research Looking for study participants. Finding the participants of the research is usually difficult because a researcher has to define the target participants before he or she goes to the find. In most cases such participants are usually hidden, making it hard to find them. Nevertheless, the best way to solve this challenge is through networking. Networking through methods such as snowball technique eliminates this challenge (Webster & Tuckman,2000). A research can also work with other established researcher in the field for networking Dealing with collected data. When the study is completed, the researcher is faced with the challenge of having a large volume of data, which he or she has to link it with the present research. He or she has to show how his or her research contributes to the body of knowledge. Large data are hard to analyze. But, it can be solved by referring to the methodology used in the study. He or she can also stay focused so as not to be distracted by insignificant data. References Taber, K. (2012). Conducting research in educational contexts. Teacher Development, 395-397. Webster, P., & Tuckman, B. (2000). Conducting Educational Research. Journal of Research in Music Education, 271-271. Source document

Friday, November 8, 2019

Nicaragua Geography, History, Climate Facts

Nicaragua Geography, History, Climate Facts Population: 5,891,199 (July 2010 estimate)Capital: ManaguaBordering Countries: Costa Rica and HondurasLand Area: 50,336 square miles (130,370 sq km)Coastline: 565 miles (910 km)Highest Point: Mogoton at 7,998 feet (2,438 m) Nicaragua is a country located in Central America to the south of Honduras and to the north of Costa Rica. It is the largest country by area in Central America and its capital and largest city is Managua. One-quarter of the countrys population lives in the city. Like many other countries in Central America, Nicaragua is known for its high levels of biodiversity and unique ecosystems. History of Nicaragua Nicaraguas name comes from its native peoples that lived there in the late 1400s and early 1500s. Their chief was named Nicarao. Europeans did not arrive in Nicaragua until 1524 when Hernandez de Cordoba founded Spanish settlements there. In 1821, Nicaragua gained its independence from Spain. Following its independence, Nicaragua underwent frequent civil wars as rival political groups struggled for power. In 1909, the United States intervened in the country after hostilities grew between Conservatives and Liberals due to plans to build a trans-isthmian canal. From 1912 to 1933, the U.S. had troops in the country to prevent hostile actions towards Americans working on the canal there. In 1933, U.S. troops left Nicaragua and Nation Guard Commander Anastasio Somoza Garcia became president in 1936. He attempted to keep strong ties with the U.S. and his two sons succeeded him in office. In 1979, there was an uprising by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) and the Somoza familys time in office ended. Shortly thereafter, the FSLN formed a dictatorship under leader Daniel Ortega. The actions of Ortega and his dictatorship ended friendly relations with the U.S. and in 1981, the U.S. suspended all foreign aid to Nicaragua. In 1985, an embargo was also placed on trade between the two countries. In 1990 due to pressure from within and outside of Nicaragua, Ortegas regime agreed to hold elections in February of that year. Violeta Barrios de Chamorro won the election. During Chamorros time in office, Nicaragua moved toward creating a more democratic government, stabilizing the economy and improving human rights issues that had occurred during Ortegas time in office. In 1996, there was another election and the former mayor of Managua, Arnoldo Aleman won the presidency. Alemans presidency, however, had severe issues with corruption and in 2001, Nicaragua again held presidential elections. This time, Enrique Bolanos won the presidency and his campaign pledged to improve the economy, build jobs and end government corruption. Despite these goals,  however, subsequent Nicaraguan elections have been marred with corruption and in 2006 Daniel Ortega ​Saavdra, an FSLN candidate, was elected. Government of Nicaragua Today Nicaraguas government is considered a republic. It has an executive branch made up of a chief of state and a head of government, both of which are filled by the president and a legislative branch comprised of a unicameral National Assembly. Nicaraguas judicial branch consists of a Supreme Court. Nicaragua is divided into 15 departments and two autonomous regions for local administration. Economics and Land Use in Nicaragua Nicaragua is considered the poorest country in Central America and as such, it has very high unemployment and poverty. Its economy is based mainly on agriculture and industry, with its top industrial products being food processing, chemicals, machinery and metal products, textiles, clothing, petroleum refining and distribution, beverages, footwear,  and wood. Nicaraguas main crops are coffee, bananas, sugarcane, cotton, rice, corn, tobacco, sesame, soya, and beans. Beef, veal, pork, poultry, dairy products, shrimp,  and lobster are also large industries in Nicaragua.​ Geography, Climate,  and Biodiversity of Nicaragua Nicaragua is a large country located in Central America between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Its terrain is mostly coastal plains that eventually rise up to interior mountains. On the Pacific side of the country, there is a narrow coastal plain that is dotted with volcanoes. The climate of Nicaragua is considered tropical in its lowlands with cool temperatures at its higher elevations. Nicaraguas capital, Managua, has warm temperatures year-round that hover around 88ËšF (31ËšC). Nicaragua is known for its biodiversity because rainforest covers 7,722 square miles (20,000 sq km) of the countrys Caribbean lowlands. As such, Nicaragua is home to large cats like the jaguar and cougar, as well as primates, insects and a plethora of different plants. More Facts About Nicaragua Nicaraguas life expectancy is 71.5 years Nicaraguas Independence Day is September 15 Spanish is the official language of Nicaragua but English and other native languages are also spoken Sources: Central Intelligence Agency. CIA - The World Factbook - Nicaragua. (n.d.). Nicaragua: History, Geography, Government, and Culture- States Department of State. Nicaragua.  Ã‚  Nicaragua - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.  Ã‚

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Slavery essay essays

Slavery essay essays In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights it states; all humans have the right to freedom, education, and equality - yet, we allow African Americans be tortured and have no freedom with no equality, and no education. Slavery is an institution where human rights are constantly violated. The barbaric treatment the slaves endured, rents the sole purpose of the UDHR. Due to these circumstances, slavery should be abolished and, slaves granted their freedom, education, and have an equal right to life. In the novel The Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, the slaves endured much excruciating pain and torture. A young woman was beaten with dried cow skin on her back until her back was covered in blood and raw tenderness. She was beaten because she was caught with her boyfriend. But the punishment did not fit the crime. In the UDHR, article 5, it states, no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment or punishment. Slaves are people too, they dont deserve being treated in such inhuman and tormenting ways. They should also have a right to have an education. In the book Fredrick taught himself to read because he was denied education due to his color. He hide from his master that he was teaching himself to read. If his maser had found out, Douglass would have gotten beaten severely. It also states in the UDHR that everyone has the right to an elementary education. Slaves dont have to learn calculus but they deserve to at least know their ABCs or even be able to read the bible if they chose to. Slaves dont know what its like being free and being equal with whites. Why? How are they so different from us? Just because they are of different color and may feel different about religion or politics does not mean they dont deserve to be free and equal. It also doesnt mean they are any different from us. They breathe the same air as w...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Workaholics Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Workaholics - Research Proposal Example The interest on the topic emerged from recognizing that current job responsibilities in various work endeavors tend to manifest increasing challenges that necessitate longer working hours than expected. As organizations have been continually besieged with economic and financial challenges, in conjunction with increasing competition, various strategies that aim to minimize cost from the workforce include requiring current personnel to do multi-tasking activities and assuming responsibilities of others. The current study therefore aims to determine the impact of adding responsibilities and work load on a limited pool of personnel in the long run. Miller, G. (2010, October 12). The U.S. is the Most Overworked Developed Nation in the World – When do we Draw the Line? Retrieved from 20 Something Finance: Rettner, R., & MyHealthNewsDaily. (2013, January 29). Overworked Doctors May Jeopardize Patient Safety. Retrieved from Scientific American:

Friday, November 1, 2019

Comparison of two past dissertations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Comparison of two past dissertations - Essay Example The partnership dissertation dwells much in the research carried out by the Nuffield Institute in an effort to find a partnership assessment tool for assessing strategic partnership. This partnership assessment tool has been acclimatized by different institutions such as the local government and health partnerships. The purpose of the Partnership Assessment Tool is to offer cost effective, quick and simple way of assessing efficiency of partnership working. This enables quick identification of areas with a problem and thus avoiding costly, exhaustive, and lengthy investigations. The tool would also be referred to by people interested in setting up partnerships. They would know the matters to be included or to be avoided in the agreements. The institutions have mostly focused on strategic partnership since it has proved effective in understanding many complex relationships and issues between partners. Project managers, senior officers and others have used it as a practical way for imp lementing essential partnerships that make differences to the lives of the general public (Hardy, 2003). On the other hand, a case study of Chichester New Park Cinema was carried out to identify the efficiency of social media in increasing customer turnout. Chichester Cinema is a single screened cinema located in the heart of the city. Most of the films shown are of small-budget, cultural values and are collections of foreign and older language films. It has comfortable and comfy bar area with passionate, knowledgeable and friendly staff largely made up of volunteers. The research would help Chichester New Park Cinema in making conversant decisions. It would identify ways of improving the customer retention and experience as well gaining insight into the demographic of the customers. It is from this research that they would know whether to continue engaging with their audiences online or to maintain their conventional advertisements. In order to gather essential information that wou ld be successfully implemented, the Nuffield Institute used the West Sussex Joint Commissioning Unit to assess the degree of partnership. The institute also wanted to evaluate the perceptions of the West Sussex Joint Commissioning Unit on the barriers hindering improvement of partnership working. After the assessment and evaluation, the institute would recommend to the commissioning unit on how to perk up partnership working unit. The institute decided to use different partners within the internal management team in order to achieve the objectives of the research. The partners used were; six principle managers, sixteen commissioning managers and the interim director. In order to gain views from a wide range of staff, a purposive stratified sample was proposed. The staffs proposed for completions of the tool were; four of the twelve West Sussex County council commissioning managers and two of the four NHS Sussex Commissioning Managers. The six principle managers composed of three NHS Sussex and three WSCC as well as the Director of the Interim. From this research, the institute would identify the effectiveness of partnership working in achieving the objectives and the aims of the Unit. In addition, the objective of the research also focused on the wider organizational partnership of the Joint Commissioning Unit. These partners are derived from North West Sussex GP Commissioning Association, Coastal West Sussex Federation and West Sussex County